My photo log is one year old today. It began on this date in 2004 with a series of pictures of the dearly departed Atomic Guitars, and random scenery across northern Arkansas. Fittingly, we come full circle, as that first edition of the Plog featured an expansive pictorial of the glory that was my beloved tree.
New plog details the aftermath of an event predicted in the previous plog. The big tree outside my apartment finally fell. It took a couple of cars with it. Part of it remains, leaning against my the roof near my living room. I’ll miss you, tree.
In a Parallel Universe, Part I
The first in what will likely become a series.
Here in this world, popular songs are used in commercials to sell things like cars. Often songs are re-written such that, for example, “Para Bailar La Bamba” becomes “You Could Be Driving a Honda.”
In a parallel universe, though, commercials employ poems:
so much depends
a red Dodge
glazed with rain
beside the white
Happy New Year
20 years ago, Transformers the Movie came out, and after the opening credits, the ominous voice of Victor Caroli says “It is the year 2005. The treacherous Decepticons have conquered the Autobots’ home planet of Cybertron.” I remember thinking then that 2005 was so far away, and I wondered what life would be like then. Would we have robots running and flying around? Ever since the birth of science fiction films in the mid 20th century (boy, referring to the “20th century” like it’s some far away place feels weird, too) I think we consistently set ourselves up for disappointment when The Future arrives. Even the one film that was regarded as a reasonable depiction of the future, 2001: A Space Odyssey turned out to be overly optimistic. We can barely keep a rustbucket International Space Station open for business, much less commercial flights to the moon.
I’m beginning to wonder if, in general, we gorge ourselves on films (high quality, artistic films mind you) that set us up for disappointment. I’m reminded of the first chapter of Chuck Klosterman’s Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs in which the author points out that very often movies set us up for an ideal of what love and life is supposed to be like, a standard that inevitably our messy lives continually fail to reach.
But here I am starting off the new year on a down note. Actually 2005 looks very promising. Superflux will be doing some recording this month, so I’ll have something creative of my own to point to. I’ll be putting together a new computer for home recording soon. I’ve got a ton of great DVDs to watch (such as Garden State and De-Lovely). John and Susan want me to work on a website for their London-based art consulting business. Last but not least, I’m inviting Jamie to come visit for a few weeks at the end of the month. So to quote the immortal poet Ethel Merman, “everything is coming up roses.”
Oh yeah…and there’s a new plog.
3 Inches of Snow Brings Arkansas To Its Knees
I hope the cats are OK. I didn’t go home last night because of the torrential winter weather yesterday. Brian picked me up from work and I stayed at his place up the hill from my office, which is where I am right now. Had I made it home, I would not have ventured out today. It’s madness out there, I tell you.
In addition to giving me a spare webcam, Brian also took some fab pictures of Superflux at Cajun’s last Friday. Here’s a picture of me I actually like:

Kind of a nice, Dennis Quaid-esque smirk on my face. And my oh-so-rare Obvious Moose t-shirt…could I be a bigger obscure music nerd? Only by playing a long-discontinued Ibanez JPM P3.
Ain’t nuthin’ wrong with that.
More Socio-Existential Ramifications of Pac-Man
I just found this great quotation on
“Video games don’t ruin kids. If Pac-Man ruined us as kids, we would all be running around in darkened rooms, eating magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.”
For those who may not get the joke, consider that the statement applies to the behavior of any persons involved in rave/dance club culture. It actually makes me wonder if video games didn’t predispose some of us to enjoying repetitive electronic music.
Dammit Pantera
Dimebag Darrell. Shot down onstage. I have to admit it’s something of a Klingon way to die for a metal guitarist. At least he didn’t OD or crash into anything. This is the guy who, when Guitar World asked him about touring necessities, he made sure to include acid (“for long bus trips“) on his list. Despite that, I’ll always admit that the first two Pantera albums were classic metal records that showed a lot of ingenuity, but afterward they failed to remain innovative or creative. In post-grunge metal, only he and Zakk Wylde seem to be allowed to play guitar solos. Now there’s one less great guitarist. We all move up a notch.
Interesting point made on
In America a Beatle was attacked by a pyscho and died.
In Britain a Beatle was attacked by a pyscho and survived.
The obvious difference being that in America, Mark David Chapman had access to a gun. Of course, as Heath pointed out regarding the Churchill/Hitler comment below, you can find a statistic to support any damn ludicrous position you want.
Evil Comes in Many Forms
I found this on a search engine optimization forum recently:
“Winston Churchill was a drinking, smoking,
gambling womaniser and Hitler a one woman teetotaller.”
That really stopped me in my tracks when I considered the so-called morality of the ruling party in this country. I’m not sure if this is connected but yesterday I was pondering how many wars have been started by atheists. I don’t think very many. Just some random things to consider I suppose.
On the lighter side, here is Merriam-Webster Online’s Top 10 Words of 2004:
1. blog
2. incumbent
3. electoral
4. insurgent
5. hurricane
6. cicada
7. peloton : noun (1951) : the main body of riders
in a bicycle race
8. partisan
9. sovereignty
10. defenestration
Choice terms all. My particular favorite is #10. #7 is the only one I didn’t know.
Diesel Power
Recipe for a glimpse into an alternate universe: take one diesel tanker on one major freeway, and shake.
Such was I-630 (the inexplicably named 10-odd mile stretch through Little Rock that somehow got an “I” in its name) this evening as a diesel spill blocked all westbound traffic during rush hour. All traffic had to be moved off onto side streets. Creative commuters opted for the north route on I-30 and I-40, but were also stymied due to volume.
The importance of this is that, to someone like myself who had no idea what was happening (this was 6:00pm, after all the radio stations have ceased their regular traffic updates), the experience becomes a massive, uncertain, and vaguely paranoia-inducing shared experience with more people on the road than I’ve ever seen in this town. It’s especially bizarre for me because I commute from midtown to the hinterlands so I’m going the opposite direction of everyone else for most of my trip. When you’re seeing a solid wall of cars in the oncoming lanes for miles, you have to wonder if everyone knows something you don’t. The experience is what I imagine a citywide evacuation might be like. If some pre-apocalyptic event were to occur in Little Rock – alien invasion, poison gas leak, Godzilla – this was a sneak peek at its manifestation.
Or maybe I just had a long day at the office. Tonight I’m going to relax with my Chengwin DVD and some gourmet cookies.