Giant Glowing Orb Eats New Jersey
Sidewalk covered in hailstones
Sidewalk covered in hailstones
Dogsitting, Illnesses, Slayer and Cupcakes
The dog whose picture appears in the previous post belongs to my friend Brooke. I spent the weekend dogsitting for her in her loft in DUMBO. For the past week I’ve been sitting at about 75% power due to a cold, so I wasn’t able to go out and do anything for the weekend. I took the dog on some walks around DUMBO and Vinegar Hill and watched movies (The Hurt Locker, Sherlock Holmes, Adventureland again). The weather was so nice I was bummed I couldn’t do more with it, but it’s better than being totally ill. As it is I’m just tired and blurry. No nasal or throat symptoms, thanks to Zicam.
But Friday I sucked it up enough to go see Slayer/Megadeth/Anthrax out on Long Island with Caroline. We had such a great time being complete idiots; we were a two-person mosh pit, pushing each other around, using each other as air guitars, headbanging – it was therapeutic. I had to rent a car[1] just to get us out there after work, and we still missed Anthrax. The best part was after the show everybody is walking out chanting “Slayer! Slayer!” and Caroline and I pass by a cupcake stand (first of all WTF? cupcakes?) so she starts chanting “cupcake! cupcake!” and I join in louder, and we get a bunch of people chanting it, too. Then I bought us cupcakes and we drove home.
It’s probably the best concert experience I’ve had all year.
1.) Thankfully I have a friend who works at Enterprise, so he got me a great deal for an overnight car rental.
1 WTC gets a little taller today.
1 WTC gets a little taller today.
Best genre ever
Best genre ever
Great Jones
Great Jones
Saturday, 1981
Saturday, 1981
Aww yeah
Aww yeah