I went to see Buckethead and Galactic last night. The former is an insane guitar player who wears a white mask and a KFC bucket on his head while playing bizarre yet funky techno-metal (he was raised by chickens in the coop) and the latter is a funky instrumental jam band from New Orleans. The Galactic fanbase appeared to be mainly collegiate hippies and the Buckethead fanbase appeared to be weird metal kids (Gwar fans, shred guitar players – you know, my kinda kids).
Now, for those of you who may have seen the recent episode of South Park where the town was overrun by hippies and the only thing that would disperse them was face-melting heavy metal guitar solos, you may be familiar with the scene last night at Juanita’s. It wasn’t all that bad, really. Although most of the Galactic fans just seemed confused – who is this masked maniac, why does he have a rubber chicken, why is he doing The Robot and playing with Nunchucks, why is he playing a Willy Wonka, Star Wars, and Mr. Sandman medley and then handing out toys? Why do I feel like I’m watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets This is Spinal Tap?
It was inspired insanity. I took some pictures and posted them over at Flickr. Why Flickr? Because it’s quickr. And because there’s a new plog already.