More Fun with Google Maps

Here are some interesting places to see from the sky:

Hamer, Idaho

Somewhere south of Las Vegas

Somewhere north of Las Vegas

Not that this is a big surprise, but I found it amusing that the area near Los Alamos National Laboratory is pretty blurry. Here’s a well-carved housing development outside Albuquerque, though.

More obviously, the US Capitol Building has been pixelated out.

Here’s the massive strip mine at scenic Butte, Montana.

In a similar vein, here is the near-surreal ugliness of Gary, Indiana.

Some colorful fields near the appropriately named Happy, Texas.

And of couse, the Statue of Liberty


I went to see Buckethead and Galactic last night. The former is an insane guitar player who wears a white mask and a KFC bucket on his head while playing bizarre yet funky techno-metal (he was raised by chickens in the coop) and the latter is a funky instrumental jam band from New Orleans. The Galactic fanbase appeared to be mainly collegiate hippies and the Buckethead fanbase appeared to be weird metal kids (Gwar fans, shred guitar players – you know, my kinda kids).

Now, for those of you who may have seen the recent episode of South Park where the town was overrun by hippies and the only thing that would disperse them was face-melting heavy metal guitar solos, you may be familiar with the scene last night at Juanita’s. It wasn’t all that bad, really. Although most of the Galactic fans just seemed confused – who is this masked maniac, why does he have a rubber chicken, why is he doing The Robot and playing with Nunchucks, why is he playing a Willy Wonka, Star Wars, and Mr. Sandman medley and then handing out toys? Why do I feel like I’m watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets This is Spinal Tap?

It was inspired insanity. I took some pictures and posted them over at Flickr. Why Flickr? Because it’s quickr. And because there’s a new plog already.

More Qwantzing, and the Weekend

Now I’ve started thinking in outline form during band rehearsals.

Things She Is
– A Brick House
– A mighty mighty, letting it all hang out
– Stacked, and that’s a fact
– Built like an Amazon

When we’re together
– everybody knows, this is how the story goes

Things that make an old man wish for younger days
– the clothes she wears
– her sexy ways

Things she knows
– she’s got everything that a woman needs to get a man
– she’s built
– how to please
– how to knock a strong man to his knees

Last weekend was fantastic. Heather and Kristin had a yard sale and it was basically just an excuse for everyone to hang out on their porch in the perfect weather and drink and grill and play guitar. I was there from 11AM to 1AM. It’s the way life should always be. The fine weather continued into Sunday where I spent most of the day on my porch reading Dave Eggers’ A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius.

I have a porch. I also have a backyard which needs work. I neglected to purchase a weed eater on Sunday, but I did buy a shovel and a cultivator (claw thingy) because Katherine wants to grow an herb garden at our place.

Google Maps

For those who haven’t seen it, Google Maps now not only contains clickable, scrollable maps of the entire US, but also satellite image composites. Years ago when I was impressed by a similar feature at MSN’s Terraserver, I linked to The Boneyard outside Tucson, Arizona.

House, Sky and Wye

The latest plog covers some recent interior shots of the house, several random pictures of the sky, and a trip to Wye Mountain that Heather M. and I recently took. We discovered where rural appliances go to die.

Ironic Deconstruction = Comedy Gold

The Zeitgeist for Spring 2005 is Qwantzing, a process whereby song lyrics are displayed in outline format. I made this one as an example:

Things I want:

  • a new drug

Things that this drug should not do:

  • make me sick
  • make me crash my car
  • make me feel three feet thick
  • make me nervous, wondering what to do
  • spill
  • cost too much
  • come in a pill
  • go away
  • keep me up all night
  • make me sleep all day
  • make me feel too bad
  • make me feel too good
  • make me talk too much
  • make my face freak out

Things that this drug should do:

  • make me feel like I feel when I’m with you, when I’m alone with you
  • what it should
  • have no doubt

There Went the Rain Again

The weather today is fabulous. The weather Friday was amazing. Saturday and Sunday…unending spittles of cold rain. Zoe had a couple of days of adventure as she ran off through the neighborhood to escape the thunderstorm. She has a severe case of thunder-phobia. Matt put up signs on Friday and a woman called on Saturday with a Zoe sighting on Kavanaugh. Thankfully he found her. She slept most of the weekend.

Matt and I made a lame attempt at having a birthday party on Saturday afternoon, but with the weather and the holiday, people stayed away in droves. Oh well. More cheese and beer for me.

I spent Sunday compiling tracks for the numerous volumes of Mix CDs I’m preparing for many many people. However when I hit the Big Red Button to start the first burn, my machine old me I have no writer. The new CDRW drive I got from Ben is clearly marked “CDRW” so I’m not sure what the problem is. Probably some driver crap. Pooter.