Meta Studio 60

How to deal with being a young, unproven show in a time wherein more and more people are skipping commercials with DV-R’s and TiVo? Product placement. How to build in product placement, yet do it in such a way that you retain creative credibility? Answer: talk about product placement in the script. All the more “meta” is the fact that Studio 60 is a show about a show. So while the characters are talking ever so specifically about adding product placement for Gibson Guitars, I recall wondering why I’ve seen Gibson and Epiphone[1] banners around the set.

Add to all this the fact that last week’s episode talks about a spinoff show (see the other show about a show, 30 Rock, and its relationship to SNL), and you’ve got a complete loss of suspension of disbelief, which is the only problem I keep having with Studio 60. Fortunately it will be around for another season.

1.) Gibson-owned brand.

Last Day of Class, Harrison High School 1992

So I bought a VHS to USB converter box recently. I’ve been dubbing all kinds of stuff to MPEG. I sliced up the footage several of us took from the last day of class, 1992, and uploaded it to youtube (sans Wade Wilmoth’s commentary about Aria Newton’s locker).

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

As I watch these videos I’m reminded of what a great group of kids we had. The seniors you see in video 6 around the table were a great group to look up to; I was a sophomore that year, and I couldn’t have asked for better role models. In a town like Harrison, it’s hard to find a large group of kids dedicated to being unique and creative, but the class of 1992 had more than its fair share. As did the classes of ’93 and ’94.

Technical Difficulties

We’re having some problems with the spam protection image on the comments, so I thought I would leave comments open to the public, but then it wasn’t long before spam started coming in, so I’ve set the comments to require registration.

CORRECTION: Heath installed a new anti-spam device. So comments are now open to the public, and hopefully the spam comments will be killed or re-routed for moderation.

On Transformers

I picked up the new Transformers: The Movie DVD, and there are some interesting bonus features and commentaries that shed a lot of light on the toy business. Everyone involved in the production seems to make some mention of the fact that what they did was just a job, a gig, and for some reason this surprised me. Maybe I always assumed there was a team of creative people somewhere at Hasbro or Takara that put all these characters together and gave them personalities and life. As it turns out, the Japanese developed the toys, while the gang at Hasbro decided to call them “Transformers” and left the naming and character development to essentially one guy, a comic book writer. Sunbow produced the cartoons, and took the character development from there, adding in the voice talent to bring life to each character.

Upon discovering this, I began to realize that what made Transformers great was a combination of ingenious toys, plus the commercial art of the voice talent and a comic book writer. Everyone involved essentially viewed the project as just another job with no real passionate attachment to it, which is a real credit to the pop art of it all. The fans cared about the whole universe, and never stopped caring. We developed emotional attachments to a product line, and this was never more apparent than in the reaction to the death of Optimus Prime in the film. I’m still fascinated by the interaction of emotions to commerce that this DVD has presented.

I’m reminded of the time, in 4th or 5th grade I think it was, that I designed my own line of Transformers called the Aquabots. There never were a lot of boats in the Transformers universe, so I drew up a team of five combiners that made one larger robot. My mom attempted to get the attention of Hasbro, but they replied that they did not take on outside creative projects. Now I know why. They didn’t even have an in-house creative team! They’d get the robots from Japan, send them to Bob Budiansky for a name and a personality, and send them on to Marvel and Sunbow to add to the cartoon. Just cranking out the units. And yet somewhere in the mix there was a spark that got kids excited enough to make an emotional connection.

The Death of Retail Music

In the last two weeks, I’ve been to three going-out-of-business sales. The first was Tower Records in New York, where I picked up the first 16 or so CDs listed here. Then, during my day-long layover in St. Louis, McMurray Music in St. Louis, where I bought an A/B switch and various other accessories (all the guitars were gone by that point). Side note: McMurray is affiliated with Brook Mays Music, whose store closing sale in Dallas I also recently attended. And last weekend I went to Millsap Music to find that they’ll be closed by Christmas. And, add to the list Sam Goody in McCain Mall, which I’m led to understand disappeared without a trace recently. No big clearance sale to say goodbye.

Whether it’s CDs or instruments, music stores across the nation’s larger cities are sighing their last. With the loss of Tower Records, retail CDs stores have officially died by the one-two punch of Best Buy and the Internet, while instrument retailers have been pounded to a pulp by the Internet and Guitar Center. Only small town stores like Harrison’s Guitarsmiths and Ashley Music have any hope of survival because they exist in a town too small for Guitar Center to reach. And even Guitar Center, I’m told by my sources, has not posted a profit in a very long time. Maybe it’s because musicians are by nature bargain-seekers. We’re not generally a demographic known for our petty cash. We’ll seek the bargains whererever they may be, be it Ebay or Amazon or somewhere else. The used guitar market in general has nearly dried up as people are learning that pawn shops and music stores will never give you a reasonable amount of cash for your instrument compared to Ebay.

For everything you gain, you lose something.

And We’re Back!

I have returned from vacation, and a New York Travelogue is ready. Feast upon it. I had intended to blog throughout the trip but we left the dodgy Russian mafia hotel with good WiFi for the cushier environs of the uptown hotel near Central Park with crappy WiFi.

I feel exhausted and detoxed from the pollution and adrenaline of NYC, but I now have had my spirits lifted and my political soul resurrected by the results of yesterday’s midterm elections. Higher am I lifted with the news that Donald Rumsfeld is stepping down. It’s morning in America again, and the Bush Aminstration is hopefully drinking a warm cup of STFU with their humble pie.

“Fwd: …” by Nicolas Saunders

Today’s spam prose is the first example I’ve seen of fully coherent and valid syntax in a robot-generated spam message. The evolution continues.

A secretly dirt-encrusted tornado is ostensibly hypnotic. Now and then, the inferiority complex accurately buys an expensive gift for some vacuum cleaner from a vacuum cleaner. Furthermore, a satellite behind a carpet tack trembles, and the self-loathing fairy single-handledly pees on a turn signal. Indeed, a pine cone overwhelmingly cooks cheese grits for a so-called mastadon. A cough syrup requires assistance from an abstraction.

A vacuum cleaner brainwashes a stovepipe near a particle accelerator, because the insurance agent is a big fan of the vacuum cleaner beyond a vacuum cleaner. An anomaly brainwashes a feline nation. A Eurasian avocado pit satiates the diskette of the line dancer. Furthermore, a cargo bay inside a grand piano feels nagging remorse, and a turkey around a bottle of beer operates a small fruit stand with an umbrella for a globule. When you see a cosmopolitan cowboy, it means that the diskette earns frequent flier miles. A secretly dirt-encrusted tornado is ostensibly hypnotic. Now and then, the inferiority complex accurately buys an expensive gift for some vacuum cleaner from a vacuum cleaner. Furthermore, a satellite behind a carpet tack trembles, and the self-loathing fairy single-handledly pees on a turn signal. Indeed, a pine cone overwhelmingly cooks cheese grits for a so-called mastadon. A cough syrup requires assistance from an abstraction.

Most people believe that a food stamp figures out a cowboy, but they need to remember how hesitantly an inexorably surly skyscraper gets stinking drunk. When the bullfrog reads a magazine, a salad dressing around a mastadon procrastinates. A briar patch is phony. An ocean, a vacuum cleaner over a corporation, and a blood clot of the buzzard are what made America great! When a parking lot goes to sleep, the power drill laughs out loud.

I ran a Google search on “most people believe” and “are what made America great” and came up with dozens of other blogs with dozens of nonsensical variations on the same phrases. Some blogs are actual people, while others appear to be spam blogs.

Dilbert Creator Regains Voice

18 months ago Scott Adams lost his voice to a condition called “spasmodic dysphonia” wherein the part of his brain that controls normal speech was disconnected to his voice box. Other parts of the brain could connect: he could sing, for example. What he recently discovered, through his own ingenuity, was that rhyming was still possible. So he recited the words to “Jack Be Nimble” constantly and his brain started to remap itself. His speech has since been restored. A specialist in this condition said that no one has recovered from this condition, apparently until now.

Read Scott’s full blog entry here.

The Ikea Triumph of 06

In the beginning there were the boxes:


Actually in the beginning there were the boxes deftly packed into a Chevrolet, but that’s not important. Because now, we have this:


And the Lord did grin. And the people did enjoy their entertainment centers, and coffee tables and chairs. But not yet their bedframes.

Interesting reading that Adnan sent me: Ikea’s accounting is apparently as crafty, ingenious and thrifty as their products.