Disunity Rally
Disunity Rally
Unity Rally
Unity Rally
Seriously, Chinatown?
Seriously, Chinatown?
What my Fridays look like.
What my Fridays look like.
Into the Heart of Darkness
You know the world is crazy when Sarah Palin is the voice of reason. The story is still developing as I write this, but it’s less interesting to me whether some whack-job preacher in Florida wants to burn a Koran than it is for me to read the comments on Sarah Palin’s Facebook page agreeing with him. Sarah Palin’s team naturally prunes the crazy from her Facebook comments, so I screenshotted them off and on for an hour or so this afternoon to preserve them.
It’s about a 30/40/20 split between crazy, sane and neutral. You can see them here:
So many fascinating things here:
- Ordinarily the Internet is anonymous, so the ability to see names and click through to meet those people was freakishly spooky.
- I’ve always known there are a lot of dumb, angry people out there but I never thought I’d be able to meet so many of them in one day.
- Interesting to note that approximately 30% of Sarah Palin’s fanbase are bona fide savage morons.
Lucky Bear and Domokun are friends.
Lucky Bear and Domokun are friends.
Kittens of the Jersey Shore
Kittens of the Jersey Shore