Looking at my referrer logs today, I noticed Billie is #15 in Google Image Search for “retarded cats.”
Category: Uncategorized
So Easily Amused
New plog has lots more long exposure photography experimentations. I’m probably the only person amused by this sort of thing.
Ironic Deconstruction = Comedy Gold
The Zeitgeist for Spring 2005 is Qwantzing, a process whereby song lyrics are displayed in outline format. I made this one as an example:
Things I want:
- a new drug
Things that this drug should not do:
- make me sick
- make me crash my car
- make me feel three feet thick
- make me nervous, wondering what to do
- spill
- cost too much
- come in a pill
- go away
- keep me up all night
- make me sleep all day
- make me feel too bad
- make me feel too good
- make me talk too much
- make my face freak out
Things that this drug should do:
- make me feel like I feel when I’m with you, when I’m alone with you
- what it should
- have no doubt
Area Satire Website Nails It Again
The “What Do You Think?” section of The Onion is always a dependable source for incisive commentary. Today’s best example comes from the middle-aged lady, this week known as Joy Mattingly, Designer. She had this to say about Condoleezza Rice’s confirmation as Secretary of State:
“Twenty years ago, I never would’ve believed that we’d have a black, female Secretary of State, much less one who was a conservative warmonger, too. We’ve come a long way.”
In other news, happy 50th birthday to Eddie Van Halen. Ed, I can’t say enough great things about your abilities as an innovative player and composer. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then you’re the most flattered guitarist in the world. I do wish you’d quit smoking and drinking, though; if you’re lucky you’ll live to look like Keith Richards, and who wants that?

Ain’t nuthin’ wrong with that.
Quote of the Month
"He should lighten up…I mean, my mom was a bitch too, but I don’t go writing songs about it."
– Triumph the Insult Comic Dog on Eminem