Saturday I played at my friend Amy Bennett’s wedding. For her processional she wanted “If You Want to Sing Out” by Cat Stevens from the movie Harold and Maude. I had never heard the song, so Jason let me borrow the DVD and wow, what a perfect song and movie. I love discovering older stuff that I never know about; it’s an increasingly rare occurrence for me, having been sired by a man who has more movie posters than wall space.
The song was easy enough, but I wrote out an EZ-baroque counterpoint version of it to make it more…matrimonial? It worked out well. Interestingly enough, Amy is marrying a guitar player. David Planchet is his name, and he brought his ’62 Gibson to the wedding with him. His groom’s cake was an exact replica of that guitar. I can’t tell you how detailed this cake was. Tragically I left my camera at home, but I took a pic with the crusty trusty camera phone.

Come back later and I’ll have the contact information for the sculptress who created this magical thing. I ate the headstock. I almost didn’t want to. The Gibson logo was perfectly rendered, the frets accurate, the tuning pegs made with toothpicks, and the piece de resistance…a pitch-accurate lead sheet of Jimi Hendrix’s “Little Wing” made out of icing!
Also Saturday was Hillcrest’s annual Harvest Fest. I ran into an old high school chum who’s running for State Treasurer. Vote for Mac Campbell. My friend Hal did his website. What a weird world I’m moving into when the guy who might be State Treasurer was the guy who ran Spanish Club, and the company that did his website is run by the guy with whom I used to watch WWF and listen to Ray Stevens tunes.
This Saturday is my brother Trey’s wedding. So this week promises to be even more surreal than the last.