I’ve been taking it easy these first few days, running around during the day but not going out at night. Yesterday I walked from my place across the Brooklyn Bridge to Manhattan as far as Greenwich Village, about 5 miles or so. No particular destinations, just taking everything in at a leisurely pace. I also visited my friend Arika, who lives about 10 blocks away from me.
Today I lazed around the apartment until about 2PM, reading up on my neighborhood[1], checking on airfare[2], and updating my profile at Aquent, a tech/creative staffing firm that I’m hoping to sign on with for temp gigs. Eventually I got out and wandered up Smith Street’s “Restaurant Row.” I settled on a nice Irish pub, Ceol[3], where I had a truly fine slow pint of Guinness and the requisite fish and chips. Walking back, I meandered through the pricey brownstones of Cobble Hill and Carroll Gardens, where it was apparently trash night. One fine resident had set out some books for the taking, one of which was The Rough Guide: New York City. It’s a British edition from 2000, but I took it with me figuring that’s what I was supposed to do.
I may run out to Ikea in Jersey on Tuesday or Wednesday. After that I should be headed out of town on Thursday to make my way back to Arkansas with more time spent in Tennessee, Alabama and Virginia along the way.
Oh, and I almost forgot: meet my roommate.
1.) Red Hook has an Ikea under construction about 12 blocks from me! Oh the joys!
2.) I’m going to fly back here from Arkansas after the new year. January 7th to be exact.
3.) Pronounced “keel,” which is Gaelic for “music.”