Last Day of Class, Harrison High School 1992

So I bought a VHS to USB converter box recently. I’ve been dubbing all kinds of stuff to MPEG. I sliced up the footage several of us took from the last day of class, 1992, and uploaded it to youtube (sans Wade Wilmoth’s commentary about Aria Newton’s locker).

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

As I watch these videos I’m reminded of what a great group of kids we had. The seniors you see in video 6 around the table were a great group to look up to; I was a sophomore that year, and I couldn’t have asked for better role models. In a town like Harrison, it’s hard to find a large group of kids dedicated to being unique and creative, but the class of 1992 had more than its fair share. As did the classes of ’93 and ’94.

7 thoughts on “Last Day of Class, Harrison High School 1992”

  1. That was a fun flashback. Thanks for sending the link to me. I think out of all my high school years, my sophomore year was the best b/c of all of you guys.

  2. Thanks for sharing! Reminds ya of how fun it was being a kid ; ) AHHHH, back when life wasnt kicking my ass all the time. I was only in it for like a second tho, in the back . lol whats up with that! Oh yeah I remember, I was too busy being a snot, heh. Thanks again man, put a smile on my face 🙂

  3. wow… so many mullets… so many claw bangs… super fun! and you even got Richard Allan Young on video. for years i have been trying to describe him to people and now i can just show this :>

    so sad we missed you in new york. we were having a really stressful couple o’ weeks while you were up or we would have come down. i haven’t been in the city but once since we moved last year and i’m totally missing it. i won’t be down at the holidays but we are going to come for a week in the spring/early summer so you should come up. i think we will have a bunch of risd design students in tow, which should prove very very interesting.

    ps i want didway’s email!

  4. Thank you so much Colter, it is great to see that group again.
    I want to know who the guy is in that van halen t shirt. I think I saw him in it more than once (is it a favorite) He sure is hot. I wonder if I could see myself with him forever???? Oh yeah, I already am with him forever. No just kidding. Hope to see everyone over the holidays.
    Does anyone know how to get ahold of Billy Reeves and family?


  5. Wow that was great seeing ppl that i haven’t seen in years. Never knew that anyone took video that day. Thanks for the memories colter.

  6. Colter,

    Thanks for putting this footage out on the web. That was most definetly the best year in High School for me. I had the most fun and memorable time when I was in High School because of all of you. It was really great seeing all of everyone’s faces again, makes me laugh. Remember the Runestone…Make Toast Not War… Anybody left any ZagNut bars in Bob’s yard lately…ask G.B about that one… Hey if anyone talks to Misty Hicks, please tell her that Elvis is still alive…and Bessie still needs a mussel…lol..


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