My Lame Weekend

I have an unfortunate habit of not planning my weekends. And I really should learn that, particularly with a 3-day weekend, plans need to be made. Otherwise I run the risk of doing nothing and feeling bad because I wasted a great opportunity. I could have taken a road trip, I could have organized an outing of some kind. Here’s how lame my weekend was:

Saturday no one was around. I ran random errands, took Zoe to the park, and tried to find something fun to do. The weather was beautiful and the dog park was EMPTY. Kind of amazing, really. I also read a lot, played guitar a lot. That was it. Sunday I tried to get someone, anyone, interested in seeing the last baseball game at Ray Winder Field. No takers, although Kathy and some friends tried to make it but the game sold out just after their arrival. I made it in, but there were no seats, and the lines for beer and hot dogs were crazy long. I gave up and went home during the first inning. I had coffee at Sufficient Grounds with Jessica, and caught up with Frisco (my first LR roomate, recently returned to town from Tokyo). He came over laster with Kirsten from Sandalwood Forest and we watched the DJ Shadow and Cut Chemist “Brainfreeze” DVD.

But here’s the best part: Saturday I knew that nothing was really on the horizon, so I thought I could maybe run up to Harrison or something. The one thing that kept me from doing so was that Don Caballero were playing at Vino’s Sunday night. So I went, assuming that the show started at a normal time, like 8:30. But no. On Sundays, Vino’s closes at 9, so the show started at 6. I got to see all of 30 minutes of the band’s set.


Today I played guitar all morning. I went to Target, grabbed some lunch at Quizno’s, and finished reading the plays I’m doing in a few weeks at Hendrix.

The sad thing is that the weather was so nice this weekend that I just wish I could have done more with it. Must Plan Ahead.

In other news, Zoe will be leaving this week. Matt called. A friend of his is driving to Salt Lake City, and can give her a ride. I’m sure I’ll regret it later, but that dog is such a handful. She really does demand a lot of attention.

Oh, and to top it all off…Steve Irwin is dead.

One thought on “My Lame Weekend”

  1. 🙁 when i saw online that steve irwin died, i Literally thought it was some april-fools-ish gag…but no, its the truth. Big Sad Frown. His wife’s never gonna find another one of him…

    if its any consolation, i got a cold this lovely 3 day weekend and did close to nothing too 🙂

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