Here are the pictures from last weekend’s Dallas excursion. Next weekend I’m going to Memphis. This is more recreational traveling than I’ve done in a long while, mainly because Superflux has been on a break for most of November. Rehearsals begin soon for our gig at the Duck Gumbo[1] in Stuttgart on the 26th. After that, the Christmas party season begins, meaning free weekends will be unlikely.
Good week for live music at Juanita’s; Ian Moore was in town on Monday and tonight The Samples are playing. It’s nice to be busy watching live music and not performing or rehearsing it for once.
1.) By all means, click the link and admire the hastily gathered promotional photography session for this gig. I forgot to wear a cool shirt. In fact, I was at the office when Steve called and said, “are you on your way?” What can I say? We were on a deadline.
I cannot express how much I loved that farmer’s market!