I got this in my inbox today. Not sure what the text has to do with the subject line, which was “Remove your bills the Christian way” from sender “Christian bill removers”:
Consult an expert for help. Yesterday you were thinking about what could be — now you focus on what is. The effects of a mutual display of affection will be long-lasting. You wonder why others make such elaborate plans when life can be this easy.
Yesterday you were thinking about what could be — now you focus on what is. Expect to either impress someone or to be very impressed by someone. Take steps to discard the old and embrace the new. Quick thinking gets you out of a tough spot.
You are in a very industrious and creative cycle that will bring you profits and satisfaction. You are in a very industrious and creative cycle that will bring you profits and satisfaction. Avoid opposition for a little while. Issues with family and friends will be hard to resolve.
You will gain confidence in your abilities if you say no to those wanting you to do for them instead of for yourself. The more creatively you launch yourself. Creativity is not just a process of invention. It can also be a mode of relaxation. A better future is on the way. Take it slow and you’ll have a better chance of winning approval.
Sounds like random fortune cookie sayings mashed together. So be sure to add "in bed" to all the above sentences, to make this post significantly less boring.